Our Goals

Provide Exceptional Hunting Content

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Serve our Consumers with no Compromise

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Mission Statement

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Meet the Team

Our founding members.

James Paine

President / CEO
Born to a Midwest family in Kansas, I grew up obsessed with the pioneers, homesteaders and fur traders of old that survived in the mountains to the west. I came to Alaska in 2009 with the US Army and realized I was home. My passion for hunting was born of that childhood obsession; the desire to live a subsistence way of life and gain a closer connection to the land and everything on it. As a firearms enthusiast and avid meat hunter, I have dedicated myself to perfecting the marksmanship and various other skills required to live this outdoors life. My goal is that my team of local experts and I can provide the proven insights and quality equipment to help you take on your own challenges as an outdoorsman.

Dalton Gray

Supplier Relations / Marketing Executive
I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska, but raised in the Fiji Islands for the better part of 15 years where my family worked as missionaries. As a boy, I learned the skills of traditional archery and developed a deep love for hunting and the outdoors. Returning to my home state in 2014, I was eager to experience hunting Alaska’s backcountry and the animals that call it home. Since then, I have enjoyed hunting in every way available to me from bear bait hunting to backpack-style mountain hunting. In the recent years I have become a licensed guide and am pursuing my lifelong dream of professional hunting. I am excited for the opportunity to share my experiences from the backcountry of Alaska as well as my knowledge of the tools needed for success.

Moriah Humphries

Tech Exec / Producer
Alaska born and raised, I have lived my entire life in the great outdoors. At the age of seven I saw my first Grizzly and Black bear not more than 10 yards away while hunting with my dad. At the age of 12 I was, once again with my dad, riding my own snow-mobile on a trapline. As a young teen I was piloting an inflatable Zodiac and picking salmon out of nets in the ocean. I have grown up hunting and taking game that most hunters only dream about. Every moment I get to spend away from modern civilization I greatly enjoy. Now amid work and life I find myself dreaming of free, open, and uncluttered country just an hour in any direction from where I live. This life has caused me to take for granted the knowledge I have of wild things and places.
We are striving to provide you with quality hunting content online and exceptional gear in our local shop.
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